
Better Place

Just a little post about the silver linings in the strangest time ever. With last night being the 2nd Thursday that everybody across the UK went outside and showed our support for the NHS and all key workers doing amazing jobs and literally keeping the country going right now.

‪I think it’s so amazing to see how much people come together in the hardest of times! I genuinely think/hope the world will be a better place after everything ✨??❤️

In times like this it’s great to focus on the positives such as communities coming together, having time to do everything you never normally can do etc.

It’s such a challenging time, I hope people remember that while it might seem so hard right now it will end and life will return to normal. If anything I hope it will be even better then it was and people have learned during this time what’s really important and to be thankful for what you have. It’ll all be alright!

#ClapForCarers #NHSUK #KeyWorkers #ThankYou ?