
Couch to 5K Completed!

Couch to 5K is a free app to download that helps you to get fit and gives a 9 week plan with the end goal of you being able to run 5K. I did it with my mam which was nice to have someone to do it with and has been a great way to get outside and exercise especially during this time!

This was actually our 3rd attempt to complete the programme, we originally started at the end of September last year and got up to week 6 but due to work commitments we couldn’t manage to complete it. We also tried at the beginning of the year but again due to both our work schedules we only got to week 2 this time haha. So we finally did it!

You choose a ‘personal trainer’ to tell you you’re time intervals when running and give you the information. We chose Sarah Millican.

The aim is you do 3 runs a week, you start by walking and running for selected intervals with the running increasing every week. The end is goal is to run for 30 minutes in week 9.

This may not sound a lot to people and I used to love running more when I was younger but I don’t really do any exercise at all anymore so it’s been great to get fitter again.

It’s been great physically and mentally to be outdoors running and with the weather being so nice and even though the programmes finished I am going to keep up running!