
Currently Playing: Bastille ‘World Gone Mad’

I’ve had a few months off from posting again and I’ve decided rather than trying to upload on a strict schedule basis at the moment which can’t be guaranteed, from now on I’ll still post regularly but just when I actually want to and can fit it into everyday life that I will instead of posting for the sake of it. This is more realistic fitting in with personal life and work. I’m doing this because I really enjoy it so don’t want it to become something I feel I have to do instead.

Also I think now more than ever there’s a lot more on people’s minds and going on in the world! It’s so important to take situations like these very seriously, listen to advice and make sure you are correctly informed. While it can be hard when it’s so consuming it’s also important to try and remain calm in the situation.

We’re all having to make changes but at the same time ‘normal’ life has to carry on for example you don’t need to be stock piling like an apocalypse is coming. In times like these we see the worst and the very best of humanity so let’s try and focus on the positive. Remember to be kind and I think all we can do is just take each day as it comes. It’s such a confusing time but as High School Musical once said We’re All In This Together!