
Life in Lockdown: 1 month update

So for me as of yesterday I have been in ‘lockdown’ mode for 29 days. It turned out that way because of work and then the lockdown was announced all in a few days. So basically I just wanted to do a little post to document this time as it is so strange and fingers crossed it will never happen again.

To be honest I haven’t found lockdown that tough so far, everyone has good and bad days but that happens in general life too. I’ve missed doing normal day things and seeing family and friends but I’m grateful to be at home with my mam and dad and healthy. As mentioned in my last post I’ve been finding the time to enjoy things that sometimes we don’t have time to do I’m busy day to day life.

This is what I really wished it looked like.

© Laura Merritt, 2020 (own photo).

When everything goes back to normal that we take away the little positives from this time such as making time to do things we enjoy, spending time with friends and family and not to take the simple things for granted!

UK lockdown is currently set to last another 3 weeks before being reviewed again, so there’s still plenty of time to take a step back and do what you can to stay positive at home. It’s also important to remember by sticking to the rules and by being mindful of situations this will end and we will be ok. Just take everything day by day because no one knows what’s happening or what to expect so we’re all in this together.