
Lockdown Round 2

I basically feel like this emoji right now: ?‍♀️

Just wanted to do a little post on everything going on at the minute again. Really hoped this wouldn’t happen but here we are. ICYMI Newcastle has been in local lockdown since Friday meaning the new ‘rule of 6’ that was brought in (we were only allowed to socialise with as a group of 6) no longer applies and we’re not allowed to socialise with anyone not in our household inside or out.

If all this wasn’t confusing before it is even more so now considering the England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are now differing more on the rules; as well as local lockdowns differing for example in Birmingham where there is also a local lockdown they are allowed to meet one other household outside of their homes.

Just getting our heads round this and now there’s rumours of a 2 week national lockdown again but rumours are suggesting it will be more of a ‘social lockdown’ not a total stop for the country.

It’s really important that people follow the basic rules wearing a mask etc and make sure they’re helping to stop the spread as this is what has helped get us back to this stage! Even with the new rules coming seeming to be not well thought through I mean you honestly couldn’t write some of these things! Logic seems to be in short supply but I guess for the minute all we can hope for is this being temporary and the light at the end of the very long pandemic tunnel! It’s also important to make sure we’re doing the right things to protect ourselves and others while trying to live in the ‘new normal’.