
One Year On ?

23.3.2021 – today marks a full year since it was announced the UK was going into the first national lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today is marked as a National Day of Remembrance, with a minutes silence being held at midday today and then at 8pm people were shining lights on their doorstep.

© Laura Merritt, 2021 (own photo).

It’s crazy to think that it’s been a full year of living in this new way and it’s been quite a journey for everyone. It’s hard to sum up how it feels I think because we’ve seen the best and worst of humanity with all the highs and lows of a rollercoaster.

Also I don’t think anyone could of imagined that a year later we’d be in a 3rd national lockdown and still waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel, which thank god finally does look like it’s coming with the vaccination rollout!

This day is a chance to look back on everything the world has been through and also another chance to thank the amazing NHS and all key workers who have done everything they could to help save lives and keep people going! I dread to think what situation we’d be in without them!

Thinking of everyone who has been affected or lost someone during the past year.

All we can do once again is do everything we can to protect ourselves and others and keeping the hope that brighter days are ahead.