
What I’ve learnt about activism

It’s been a while since my last post as it’s been a very busy month with assignments, work and of course the festive season!

I hope everyone enjoyed it and 2017 is off to a great start!

So I’ve finished my assignment and handed in my blog posts! It’s actually been a really interesting module and topic to learn about!

It’s really made me realise that anyone can be an activist on any level. When you hear activism you generally think of people attending protests or being involved in a huge activity to support something.

The definition of an activist is ‘someone who campaigns for social or political change’

However what I’ve realised is that something as simple and small as sharing an article on social media with you’re friends and family can lead to supporting a cause worthwhile. 

While you might not think it you’re being an activist as you’re helping to spread the word to more people and maybe inspiring more to be involved.

Before writing and researching for my blog posts relating to activism I don’t think I would’ve really considered it as something I would or could be involved in. But I think I’ll hopefully be writing more about it in the future.